Welcome, Moz Faithful

Hey there. If you came here from the recommendation of the brilliantly magnificent Janice Whaley and her Smiths Project blog, I welcome you. I was once a blogger here in a former, less busy life, but have taken the late summer, early and late fall, and early winter off. But, please follow me anyway and, once I come back (starting in January, fingers crossed), it will be with some truly lackluster vengeance.

And, just for you fans of Janice and of Morrissey, here is the article I wrote about Morrissey a while back for your reading pleasure in the meantime: There is a Light that Occasionally Goes Out.

Also, leaving a comment might just expedite my return.


melissa said...

Hi Cameron. Anxiously awaiting your return. In the meantime, you might enjoy this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sitAQkQFCBU

forkboy said...

Why is it I only discover blogs after the author seems to take an extended holiday?

Now you have to start writing again just so that I won't feel cheated.

Marsha said...

I'm still waiting for you to kick-start this blog again. And of course, I want more pictures.

mh said...

Comment left! Not so patiently awaiting your return.